Wow, My own blog! I've been reading other peoples blogs for months now and have really enjoyed them so here I am creating my own! I don't know what I'll do yet with my blog but here's to a new adventure!
Patty, what a great name for your blog! (Though you never did remind me of Eva Gabor.) I would love to read about life at your place, especially how it differs from NY & AZ. Also, I would love to read about your gardening, canning, etc. Canning is a mystery to me, but it seems like a good thing to do.
Patty, what a great name for your blog! (Though you never did remind me of Eva Gabor.) I would love to read about life at your place, especially how it differs from NY & AZ. Also, I would love to read about your gardening, canning, etc. Canning is a mystery to me, but it seems like a good thing to do.