Sunday, October 4, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

I have missed having my menus planned for the week. It makes a huge difference in how our week flows. I get very frustrated though when I cook something and have one or two or now three kids turn their noses up at it. So, I make what I want, try to put some things in there I know the kids will like, and brace for the complaints that are bound to happen. I did make Pizza Burgers this week, all the kids liked them, DH too, only one problem, I didn't. Oh, well, I guess I can make things they all like and I don't too!

Here's this week's menu

Sunday - Leftovers!!

Monday - Chimis (some for the freezer too!)

Tuesday - Quiche in a bag

Wedesday - Steak, corn and potatoes (one of DH's favorite meals) also one of the perks of being married to a beef farmer, a freezer full of beef!!

Thursday - Busy day so it will be a crockpot day. Chili and cornbread

Friday - Homemade pizza

Saturday - Crockpot Beef Sandwiches

Most of this weeks recipes come from the The Freezer Cooking Manual From 30 Day Gourmet. I really like to have prepared meals in the freezer so I'll make enough each night to eat and them some to freeze. This comes in handy when we've had a busy day, been gone or I just don't feel up to cooking and cleaning!!

I'd like to make some snacks this week too. I found a great recipes for granola bars that everyone loves so I'll try to make those and maybe some muffins for breakfast and to snack on! I put half chocolate chips and half peanut butter chips instead of the mini m&m's in my granola bars and they were a big hit!

Here is my question for you now. I've had over 12,000 hits now on my little ole' blog and I have no idea where they are coming from. So, would you please leave a comment and tell me how you found me? Only nice comments please or I will delete!

For more menu plan ideas check out this great blog at


  1. Hello, I found you through Orgjunkie. Your meal plan looks great.

  2. I hear you on the dinner complaints! I have a 5 year old and a hubby with the palette of a 5 year old. I get so tired of hearing them whine and complain about what I put on the table. I try to balance healthy foods with things they like and things that I like. If I know a main dish might be suspect, I try to put up a veggie / side I know is a hit and vice versa. It sure can be frustrating!

  3. Granola bars are something I'd love to make myself. The menu sounds terrific!

  4. I remember the days that we made two meals. It was so great when our son decided to eat something other than chicken fingers and hot dogs! lol
    Looks like your family is going to have some terrific meals this week.
    I love MPM especially since my husband and I lost our jobs. I'm looking for inexpensive and healthy meals for our family of three.
    Well, gotta get back to the laundry and Dr. Laura.

  5. crazy country girl!...what's for supper this week? did you check out my new blog? :)
