Sunday, February 15, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

We stuck to our menu for the most part last week but did have a couple of changes. This has really been helping me stay on track with what I make each week though so I'm hoping I stick to it. I've been spending a lot of time on another great blog called the Grocery Cart Challenge. She even has a recipe for making your own laundry soap that I am hoping to try soon! You can't really beat a penny a load for detergent!

So here is our weeks menu:

Sunday - We had leftover pizza today from the Valentine party at church and leftovers for supper too. Yeah for me, no cooking today!

Monday - Soup and sandwiches (Baked potato soup again from the soup swap! I love it!)
Tuesday - Cheeseburgers, homemade steak fries, and veggies

Wednesday - leftovers tonight, mom has to work. (as long as the snowstorm doesn't prevent it!)

Thursday - Salsa Chicken (I made this a couple of weeks ago and froze some) brown rice and veggies

Friday - Homemade pizza

Saturday - Chili and cornbread (The chili is also from the soup swap!)

Now looking back at this weeks menu it will be a pretty easy week in the kitchen for me but that's ok because it will be a pretty busy week for us. I will also try to make some blueberry muffins for my mom's group on Tuesday and maybe bake something else to satisfy our sweet tooth.

For more menu planning ideas check out


  1. The salsa chicken looks yummy!!!
    ps I have the same blog template!LOL...great minds think alike!!
